Where do I get my PR card before returning to USA - ask

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-----Can you please tell us where to get more info on this PR
  david ingram replies:
  The PR card is required by any permanent resident of Canada.
As of January 2004, a landed immigrant ort permanent residentof
Canada can not enter Canada on a commercial carrier which
includes ships, planes, trains and buses.
  Goto  http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pr-card/index.html
  To get the application started.  Note, this is NOT an
application to "become" a permanent resident.  this is just an
application to get the card which "proves" you are a Permanent
Resident and is analagous to the legendary US "Green Card".  the
Card replaces the old piece of folded paper which I seem to
remember was called an IMM1001 form.
  david ingram
  Answers to this and other similar  questions can be obtained
free on Air every Sunday morning.
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an INFOMERCIAL but LIVE talk show called "ITS YOUR MONEY"
  Those outside of the Lower Mainland will be able to listen on
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  David Ingram's US/Canada Services
  US / Canada / Mexico tax, Immigration and working Visa
  US / Canada Real Estate Specialists
  4466 Prospect Road
  North Vancouver,  BC, CANADA, V7N 3L7
  Res (604) 980-3578 Cell (604) 657-8451
  (604) 980-0321
  New email to [email protected]
  www.centa.com www.david-ingram.com
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duties are expressly denied. All readers should obtain formal
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