Wednesday April 29, 2009 Bill Vander Zalm, Dan Walkow, and

This evening's webcast will be a special one.  As well as DAN WALKOW ( at 7 PM on the subject of US Canada investment and tax and in particular, the handling of cross border RRSP, IRA, Keough, 401(K), 403(B) RRIF and just general stock accounts, we will have the one and only BILL VANDER ZALM  at 6 PM on his new book "FOR THE PEOPLE".
For those, who do not know, Bill Vander Zalm, as well as being the Lilac king,  was the premier of BC from 1986 to 2001.  Before that, he was responsible for bringing Sky Train to British Columbia.
When he took office, BC's economy was certainly in 60th place if you took the 10 provinces and 50 US states into account.  It might have been in 89th place if you added in the 30 states in Mexico.  One report I saw put one Mexican State, Chiappis, behind BC.  Evey other geo-political area of North America was ahead of BC.
When he left office in 2001, BC was number one out of the 90 jurisdictions.
He started the Indian land Claims negotiations which gave business people hope for their investments and everything flourished
As one example mining went through the roof, only to be stopped dead in its tracks when the NDP took over and Mike Harcourt (who I also like and have great admiration for some of his social accomplishments) made the Tatashini the world's largest park and  scared the heck out of every mining person in the world.  In addition, the NDP would NOT do incremental land claim settlements (which Gordon Campbell finally adopted after a disastrous start with his referendum) and mining exploration and develpment slowed to a trickle.
Bill's book is a tell all book and if you want to talk to Bill or Dan or David Ingram, from anywhere in North America,  the toll free number is 1-866-980-0499
Please save any tax questions until after 7 PM. 
If you are calling from outside North America, it is your bill and you should call 604-980-0321
Tax question calls will be limited to 5 minutes but if there are enough of them, we will go past 8 PM


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