8891 /TDF 90-22.1 - Expert Income Tax help on cross Border tax and immigration and divorce and RRSP and IRA and other matters with david Ingram, Tax Consultant and Preparer
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by XXXX on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 18:43:33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- My_question_is: Both question: hello, my accountant did not mention form td 9022 in 2007 but filed it for me in 2008, why wouldnt they mention it, are they liable in anyway? should i send it in for 2007 even though it is late? also i got h&r block to do my taxes in florida for 2009, and they say i donot need form 8891, even though the last two years i had it for rrsps in canada,i have not added to these or taking them out or transferred them, do i still need form 8891, they say i dont have canadian income or canadian tax obligation, so i dont but i am trying to tell them i need to report my rrsps every year, i dont understand how no one here in florida seems to know how to do us/canadian taxes, do you know anyone here in miami that can help me or do you prepare taxes, can i get an extension or amend these if they are wrong? thanks