Hydrogen generators for cars

General News Hi David,

XXXX suggested I jot you a note about a hydrogen generator I'm beginning to market in B.C. Perfect for the Caddie fleet. I've ordered one for the VW, one for xxxx's car, and one for the motorhome. A remarkable product, very timely. The website is www.supplementalhydrogen.net . Would welcome your thoughts.

david ingram replies:

I notice that the Supplemental site has several different sites.

I have not being following this topic very closely but notice a Canadian product with one size only at


This is a tax (and finance newsletter) - and saving 20% on gas mileabge qualifies I think.

Does anyone out there in CEN-TAPEDE land have any experience or knowledge about on board hydrogen generators for cars and trucks and motorhomes.

a 20% gas saving would be significant today.